48th Orchestral Season

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Cadenzas of Hong Kong 2.0

Co-Presented by: Hong Kong Composers' Guild
Co-Organized by: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Date and Time
29/3/2025 (Sat) 5:00pm
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jockey Club Auditorium
Ticket Fee
$380, $300, $250, $200
Yan Huichang


Music is the revelations that composers experience through observing and getting inspired by their surroundings.

Co-presented with the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, the commissioned musical works in this concert portray the beauty of the homeland. Together they provide an immersive journey for the audience to feel the vibes of the city as well as nature.

Supporting Organizations:

Department of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong
Academy of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University
Department of Composition and Electronic Music, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

(in Chinese stroke order)

Cadenzas of Hong Kong 2.0

The ‘Cadenzas of Hong Kong’ was first held in 2006 and has received enthusiastic support and acclaim from all walks of life! Yielding to popular demand, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) and the Hong Kong Composers' Guild (HKCG) joined hands again to launch ‘Cadenzas of Hong Kong 2.0’ in 2024.

Spanning two years, ‘Cadenzas of Hong Kong 2.0’ comprises two parts, Field Study and Call for New Works.

1. Field Study

The first field study will be held in early January 2025 and only be open to members of the HKCG. Please pay attention to the announcement by the HKCG at a later date for the location and registration details.

2. Call for New Works

Composers are welcome to compose a new work of 5-7 minutes according to the orchestra configuration of the HKCO with the theme of ‘Tell the China's Stories Well’. The works selected by the jury will be world premiered by the HKCO at the Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 29th March 2025. Please refer to the Call for New Works Brochure for details.

* The applicant must possess a valid Hong Kong Identity Card.

Cadenzas of Hong Kong 2.0-Call for New Works Brochure

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO), Hong Kong Composers’ Guild (HKCG)

Format: Ensemble or Concerto for specific instruments
The submitted work should be a new and unpublished work composed according to the configuration of the HKCO. The duration of the work should be within 5-7 minutes. (Please refer to the orchestra configuration of the HKCO and the list of specific instruments; for the tonal range of instruments, please click here.)

Theme: ‘Tell the China's Story Well’

Submission deadline:
All submissions should be sent by email (dorothy@hkco.org) or by mail to reach the office of the HKCO (7/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, 345 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong) no later than 5th January 2025 (postmark date). Please mark on the envelope ‘Cadenzas of Hong Kong 2.0 - Call for New Works’. Each submission should include one anonymous full score, a duly completed application form, the composer’s resume, a brief introduction of the entry, a DEMO of the entry work, and a digital score stored in ‘Finale’ (or ‘Sibelius’) and PDF formats.

Selected works will be performed by the HKCO in the ‘Cadenzas of Hong Kong 2.0’ concert held on 29th March 2025. A nominal royalty fee of HK$10,000 will be paid for the work selected and performed, and the composer of the said work may be invited to collaborate with the HKCO and the HKCG in the future.

Download Application Form

Other terms and conditions:

The applicant must possess a valid Hong Kong Identity Card. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the details of the competition. For updated information, please visit the website of the HKCO or the HKCG, or make inquiries at (+852) 3185 1631.